Calm After the Storm

I was 14 and going in to the 9th grade when I returned to Abilene.  I was nervous the first day of school, because I had been gone for a few years and when dad remarried he moved us to a new part of town, so I had lost contact with all my friends.

I was a loner at school, but I had gained an interest in gymnastics.  So, I signed up for gymnastics and eventually was part of the team.  My grandmother noticed an improvement in my grades.  I seemed to be happier, especially since she moved back to the neighborhood we lived when i was younger.

I started thinking about college and wanted to become an attorney.  That did not happen by the way.  I went to college but only went for a year.  When I came back to Abilene, I wanted desperately to leave again, but I wanted to go to a larger city, like Houston, New York–  just somewhere bigger than Abilene. 

I had decided to go to cosmetology school and get my license (which didn’t happen), then move to a larger city and return to college.  I had gotten in to school in Abilene, then found two jobs– one teaching gymnastics at a private gym and the other in the local gay bar as a d.j.  The schedule was perfect and easy to maintain.  Things seemed to be working out.

Then an ultimatum to get a job with benefits or go into the military.  I argued with her and she said either her way or I needed to move out.  I moved out.  I moved to Dallas and didn’t look back.  I called her two weeks later and asked for money and she sent it to me.  I called again, and she sent it to me, but she said ‘this is the last time and now you gotta do it on your own.  No more money. Period.’ 

I said, ‘okay.’

~ by formingANopinion on November 7, 2010.

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