Splashing Around

Welcome to my world.  I am swimming around in it with no direction.  I have nothing to show for anything that I have done except for a torn spirit and deep regrets.  I have few friends.  My employment history is ‘sketchy’.  I am homeless, or to say without a place of my own.  I am disconnected from everyone I know, especially my family. 

You might ask: why?  I would like to share that with you over time.  Hopefully, what I disclose will not send you away disgusted.  I just want to be frank about how I have lived my life up until now. 

If you decide to come back and find out, I will welcome you to Navigate the Currents with me.  I am tired of feeling all alone.


~ by formingANopinion on October 25, 2010.

2 Responses to “Splashing Around”

  1. Marlin. I think of you often and would like to follow on your journey to wholeness. One step at a time……………. Much love………….

  2. Anxious to follow your journey…….

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